What a year it’s been!

One of ups and downs but I can definitely say I’m ready to farewell 2015!

It was a year that brought us a new ray of sunshine in the form of our second beautiful little girl Phoebe.

But it was also a year that brought illness and sadly even a death in the family, as well as a few other dramas!

It seems we weren’t alone in bearing the brunt of a tumultuous year with many of our nearest and dearest also experiencing their fair share of bad stuff.

Miss Izzie has certainly been a ball of entertainment this year and I think without her I wouldn’t have anywhere near as much to write about.

Even now she’s making me laugh with the simple act of playing with a ribbon.

I often wonder where we would be without her in our lives (awwww) and then the naughty devilish side comes to play and I pretty much hit the ground with a thud.

Never a dull moment in our house!

Despite the negative impact of this year, I’m quickly reminded of two little people who are yet to understand the good and bad aspects of the world.

It’s amazing how children change your view on even the littlest of things.

Who would have thought a fly buzzing around could be “scary”.

Just ask Miss Izzie, haha!

But I guess in her defence, it’s something new and strange!

As for Miss Phoebe, a cute smile and constant look of wonder is enough to make even the worst of days just that little bit brighter.

So as the hours wind down on 2015, I think we’re all anticipating the fresh start 2016 has to offer.

However you farewell the old year and welcome the new year in (for us it’ll involve sleep) make it a good one!

Wishing you all the very best for the year ahead.

Lots of exciting memories are yet to be made!

Let’s see what crazy antics my gorgeous girls have me writing about in 2016….

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