Always and forever a mum
You were my firstborn. The first time I heard your heartbeat was when I truly realized I was going to be a mum. A role I still struggle to get my head around most days. But you made me a mum and gave me the official title (your little sister certainly cemented it). I gave […]
A moment of reflection
It’s true that I don’t often take the time to think about the good stuff. I know there’s plenty of it. Well, I like to hope there is anyway. I always find a way to highlight everything that goes wrong instead. Thanks negative brain! But there are two little people in my life that I […]
Two different paths
If anyone ever asks me to describe my two girls, I would have to use the old line of chalk and cheese. While there’s no mistaking they are sisters – blonde hair, blue eyes, dimple in their chin (sorry girls, it’s in the genetic line up), very tall in height and big feet (again sorry […]
Growing up is hard to do
I never thought I’d admit I miss my girls as babies. Yes they cried, needed me for everything and quite often I had no idea what they actually wanted (so not much has changed then!) but together we got through it. Don’t get me wrong I love them as the crazy, attitude riddled individuals they […]
Tick, tick, tick….cross
I didn’t sign up for any of this. The drama. The tantrums. The sassy attitude. The back chatting. And even the hitting. Not just each, but I’ve been known to cop a toy or even a limb to the face/head. Nope I didn’t sign up for that. None of it. Geez, I wonder where they […]
Take a deep breath and…run?!
Is the day over yet? I feel like all I’ve done is yell and get angry. Damn rain ruining all the fun. Why do kids go absolutely bonkers when it rains and find my last nerve with everything they do?! Even if I walk away, they find me and keep on going and going. It’s […]
Tis the Season…to be over
Yes, once again, I probably sound very much like Scrooge or even The Grinch. There’s just something about the silly season. Every year I always feel compelled to write something around Christmas time. I don’t know why or what it is, but I seem to find something to talk about. Maybe it’s my excitement at […]
A Sentence of Epic Proportions
“You don’t love me mummy”. And just like a knife to the heart, I had these words thrown at me recently. Well yelled repeatedly. I could have cried. But for once I kept my cool and stayed calm (miracle, I know!). Because as much as it hurt for my beautiful five-year-old to utter those words, […]
Sass is the new direction
I know my parents often tell me I had extremely cheeky moments as a child and I could be quite the devil at times, but I’m starting to think that karma is screwing me over. Hell hath no fury like a child scorned, well two of them in fact and both girls as well, scored […]
From strength to strength
You can do this. Yes, you. I’m talking to the have been doing it for years mum, the new mum, the soon-to-be mum and everyone else out there who fulfils the parenting role. Even on those terrible, no sleep, crying your eyes, exhausting days, where you feel like a complete mess, you’ve still got this. […]