“Mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy……”
I’m not going to lie, I’m still loving hearing it.
No doubt that will change one day.
Just like there are days I love being a mum.
And there are days I don’t.
And as the cliched saying goes, I wouldn’t change a thing.
Mind you, there are days I think I could.
But that’s another story.
Aside from my husband, Miss Izzie is definitely the love of my life.
It’s a love that has been there since before she was even born.
It’s probably a love that I can’t even describe (but I don’t want to get too soppy on you!).
She makes me smile, laugh and cry.
And yes she most certainly makes me mad.
But her infectious personality makes even the gloomiest of days so much brighter.
Okay I’m a little biased but she’s a pretty cute, easy going (not all the time!!) kid….when I’m in a good mood of course (haha!).
I never really thought much about being a mum when I was growing up.
That’s not to say I didn’t think about having kids one day, I just never imagined what it would be like.
And if I’m going to be honest, it’s not really what I was expecting!
Being a mum, a parent in general really, is hard.
Not that I thought it was going to be a walk in the park.
Your life, as you once knew it, has changed, in some ways, for the better.
You stop thinking about just yourself and become responsible for a tiny human, relying on you for love, guidance and of course food and fresh nappies!
As with most things in life, you get on with it but enjoy it so much more when you’re rewarded with that cheeky smile, hug or even the call (scream) of “mummy”.
That’s what makes every day special but days like Mother’s Day take on even more of a meaning now.
It’s my second Mother’s Day as a mum and I think with an energetic (hopefully) happy toddler on my hands it’s going to be a beautiful day.
For all the lucky mums out there, whether it’s breakfast in bed, opening precious gifts, simply just relaxing or just being mum (like every other day), I hope you all enjoy your special day because it’s back to normal on Monday!
For everyone else, don’t forget to spoil those awesome, fantastic and special women in your life who mean the most to you!
To all the beautiful mums (including my own), mums-to-be and those fulfilling the role, I wish you all a very Happy Mother’s Day!