Is the day over yet? I feel like all I’ve done is yell and get angry. Damn rain ruining all the fun. Why do kids go absolutely bonkers when it rains and find my last nerve with everything they do?! Even if I walk away, they find me and keep on going and going. It’s like 10 rounds in the boxing ring, they can’t stop until it’s all out of their system. Meanwhile I’m taking deep breaths, counting back from 10 (and only making it to 7) and trying my best not to lose my “you know what”!
I’ve said so many times I love my girls more than anything in this world, but I definitely have moments where I’m not their biggest fan. I’m not going to lie, I’m only human after all. They drive me crazy! And after a rainy few days limiting any possible outside time, I’m feeling a little bit over it. I’ve even been asked why it’s raining so much. I have no control over the weather, although sometimes I really wish I did!
While we’re on the topic of kids going over the top, since when did 6-year-olds have so much sass?? I remember a fair bit about growing up and how much of a pain in the bum I was to my parents, but I don’t remember being as rude as I cop from Miss Izzie. It’s hard not to snap and try to gain back control, man kids are manipulative creatures. Well I was thinking turds, but you know, trying to be a bit nice here, haha! It’s hard being both the good guy and the bad guy at the same time. While I want them to have many things, I also don’t want to be dealing with spoilt little brats. There’s plenty of them around already!
Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m not their friend, I’m their mother. Also known as the rule-maker, food and drink provider, fun police, worst person in the world sometimes, the list goes on. I’ve been told I’m hated, I’m the worst mother ever and apparently I ruin a lot of things, but hey that’s part of my role. One day it’ll change, I know that. But we have to get through the hard stuff first, it just feels never ending. It’s a fine line type of deal, be the task master when you have to and have a bit of fun when you can as well.
I think one of the hardest parts of parenting is when you spend too much time worried what others think of you or being too scared they are judging you for your choices. I know I’m not a perfect parent, I even swear at my kids (it’s their fault, haha!) but at the end of the day, I’m just doing my best, like just about every other parent out there! I’m pretty sure my girls love me…most of the time anyway…so I’ll take that as a win, for as long as I can!