Keeping it real (ish)

I am a mum. It is a hard job. Yes I said “job” and yes it is something I chose to do, much like other things in my life. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that it can be one of the worst jobs to take on. You can be pushed to frustration […]

The big bad world

Dear judgmental parents. Yes, you. Everyone. And yes I can admit even I have my moments. We can probably even count those that think they know everything about parenting and are yet to have children. And there are plenty of those out there. Just stop. Stop judging. Stop second guessing. Stop acting like you know […]

Hitting the high note

A scream reverberates through the house. Nope no one has committed murder although you would think that’s what was happening. Instead my little “Miss Independent” is once again showing off her fine voice box. And I use the term “fine voice box” very loosely! Sometimes it’s a scream/squeal of excitement, which is more often than […]