Preparing for battle

It’s amazing how quickly kids get bored when they are forced to stay at home. They do have a million toys to play with (especially when we’ve just had Christmas) and books to read, shows to watch and access to a pretty decent yard with swings, a trampoline and a swimming pool. But no, out […]

Sass is the new direction

I know my parents often tell me I had extremely cheeky moments as a child and I could be quite the devil at times, but I’m starting to think that karma is screwing me over. Hell hath no fury like a child scorned, well two of them in fact and both girls as well, scored […]

One foot in front of the other

“Mummy. Mummmmmyyyyy. “Mummmmmm. Watch this! “MUMMY! “Why?? Why Mummy? Why????????” Ever feel like the walls are starting to close in on you? My favourite saying when it comes to motherhood is “never a dull moment”. Oh how true it really is! My girls are forever keeping me on my toes. Whether it’s constantly yelling for […]