Sass is the new direction

I know my parents often tell me I had extremely cheeky moments as a child and I could be quite the devil at times, but I’m starting to think that karma is screwing me over. Hell hath no fury like a child scorned, well two of them in fact and both girls as well, scored […]

Monkey see, monkey do

Life really can be hard to figure out sometimes. I know my role and what I should be doing but it doesn’t always feel like that’s the path it should follow. Confused? Yeah me too! Haha! Parenting is downright confusing, hard and like the world’s biggest and never ending rollercoaster! But no one ever said […]

Always there

There’s nothing scarier than being a mum. Okay, maybe being taken by a shark or twisty rollercoasters might be up there, but you get what I mean. It terrifies me to think I’m responsible for two little humans. That it’s up to me to help shape their future, teach them things and help them become […]

From strength to strength

You can do this. Yes, you. I’m talking to the have been doing it for years mum, the new mum, the soon-to-be mum and everyone else out there who fulfils the parenting role. Even on those terrible, no sleep, crying your eyes, exhausting days, where you feel like a complete mess, you’ve still got this. […]

A new defining title

I’m about to join the school mum crew. Not sure whether to go woohoo or flatly say “wooo”. After spending weeks preparing and dealing with uniforms, books, bags and thinking about school lunches, it’s time to let Miss Izzie loose in the school world. I’m cool with it, well I like to think so anyway. […]

Looking forward and back again

What a year! And just like that, another year is over. Thank f#%@ing goodness! If you blinked you’ve missed it. Well not quite, but there’s days when it has certainly felt like that. It’s been another year of ups and downs. Some more moments I’d like to forget and a few bits of good thrown […]

Merry Whatever

Bah Humbug. Don’t worry I’m not really Ebenezer Scrooge. I have my moments though, especially with the silly season now upon us. I do the same thing every year and I still haven’t learnt from it. I try to think of ways to spread Christmas present shopping throughout the year. But it never happens because […]

Always asking questions

How do you know if you’re doing it right? This whole parenting thing? Even life in general? You don’t! You can only do your best and see what happens after that. It’s pretty much flying blind, winging it, put your beer goggles on and just go with the flow type of stuff. Maybe some structure […]

Depth of change

Just something a little different…. Who am I? The cheeky response would be Sheree, of course. But I often wonder if I am anymore. Since becoming a mum, that’s what my label has been. First Izzie’s mum. Then it became Izzie’s and Phoebe’s mum. Don’t get me wrong, I love being their mum (on a […]

A little bit of history repeating??

I can do this, I repeat to myself again and again. I count to 10 but it doesn’t work. Why do you both have to be so strong willed like me? Haha! Karma I guess. Yes, my beautiful and cheeky, but oh so attitude filled daughters are at it again, breaking Mummy! It’s not hard […]