Two against one

“I’ve got this.” “I can do this.” That’s what I kept telling myself every time I thought I would lose it at a shrieking toddler or screaming baby earlier this week. After a blissful (haha) month together my lovely husband returned to work last weekend leaving me expecting the worst with our two daughters in […]

Feeding frenzy

It’s official. I’m just a milk machine again. Our latest little bundle of joy is now almost two weeks old and very much settled into the household. Miss Phoebe (yep, another girl has joined the ranks) had a quick entrance into the world surprising us all by arriving both before an anticipated induction and after […]

A new chapter

Life is about to become crazy again. Not long to go until our cosy little family of three becomes four. While I’m excited at the prospect of meeting our new addition to the family, I’m a little nervous too. It’s been just the three of us for so long, it’s hard to imagine a new […]

The next hurdle

My “baby” girl is about to turn two. Where the hell did that time go?! In the midst of tantrums (hers and ours), changing nappies, marking off milestones and lots of learning and playing, the past two years have disappeared before our very eyes. I remember clearly the day she was born and when we […]

A different tone

Sometimes I have to remind myself who I am. I’m more than just a wife. I’m more than just a mother. Somewhere along the way I might have lost myself a bit. Yes becoming a wife and mum was and is a massive part of my life. But it’s not the be all and end […]

The big bad world

Dear judgmental parents. Yes, you. Everyone. And yes I can admit even I have my moments. We can probably even count those that think they know everything about parenting and are yet to have children. And there are plenty of those out there. Just stop. Stop judging. Stop second guessing. Stop acting like you know […]

A path widely travelled

Children really do change your life. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, just different. Gone are the days (or rather nights) of staying out until all hours drinking with mates. Instead you wonder what time you might be woken up in the middle of the night, or if you have a newborn, you might not […]

A different route

Need a new way to test your stress levels? Take your almost two-year-old on a 1500km (that’s just one way) road trip and stay with relatives for a couple of weeks. That’ll get your blood pumping. Throw in crazy pregnancy hormones and you’re heading down a one-way path to disaster. Okay, so it wasn’t world-ending […]

Onwards and upwards

Sometimes I miss the carefree nature of being a kid. No responsibility. No worries. Clothes reappear clean. Food is cooked and served. There’s plenty of toys to play with and fun to be had. Okay, so you have to go to school but at least you get to see your friends most days. How could […]

Feeding the hunger

I’ve had enough of the boob shaming. Confused?! Well so am I! We’re now in the year 2015 and it seems breastfeeding is still very much an issue of contention. I understand that yes it can make people feel uncomfortable to see a mother nourishing her hungry baby out in the public eye. But these […]