Keeping it real (ish)

I am a mum. It is a hard job. Yes I said “job” and yes it is something I chose to do, much like other things in my life. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that it can be one of the worst jobs to take on. You can be pushed to frustration […]

Wiggly fun

Wiggle wiggle wiggle woo! Yep I’m officially a Wiggles mum. There is definitely no turning back now. And funnily enough I have no shame in admitting it. Miss Izzie and I went to our first show last week and I was super excited, probably a tad more than she was. Well it was quite an […]

Magic and mayhem

“Santa….presents…ho, ho, ho and Merry Christmas”. These words have been flowing from the mouth of our beautiful Miss Izzie on a daily basis in the past week. The Christmas spirit is well and truly alive in our house this year. It’s her third Christmas but the first time she’s paid any attention to what’s been […]

A moment of reflection

Life sure is different these days. Both good and bad. When I became a mother I feel like I said goodbye to a big part of me. Don’t get me wrong I love being a mum to my two beautiful girls, but I do miss aspects of my pre-baby life. Aside from the fact I […]

Onwards and upwards

Sometimes I miss the carefree nature of being a kid. No responsibility. No worries. Clothes reappear clean. Food is cooked and served. There’s plenty of toys to play with and fun to be had. Okay, so you have to go to school but at least you get to see your friends most days. How could […]