If anyone ever asks me to describe my two girls, I would have to use the old line of chalk and cheese. While there’s no mistaking they are sisters – blonde hair, blue eyes, dimple in their chin (sorry girls, it’s in the genetic line up), very tall in height and big feet (again sorry girls, welcome to my world!), when it comes to other characteristics they are definitely their own individual character. Which in my book, there is absolutely nothing wrong with. I’m glad they aren’t exactly the same, but it does make me laugh at how different they can be.
Take Miss Izzie. She’s my big girl, turning 8 this year and very much thinks she’s the boss of pretty much everyone. Well, she tries to be anyway. She’s switched on, mostly good with cleaning up when I ask and definitely full of some serious attitude, which is slowly sucking the life out of me!!! She’s a beautiful and sweet kid and does worry a lot about others. A gentle nature mixed with a nosy one at the same time. But she’s also very much a princess and likes to cause trouble for her sister resulting in her taking up the foetal position on the floor trying to stop the blows. Don’t worry, I do step in!!
Then we have Miss Bruiser…I mean Miss Phoebe. As my baby, she’s staring down the barrel of turning 6 (nooooo! Haha!). While she comes across as a bit of a tough nut most of the time, she can also trip over thin air if not paying enough attention (face palm time!). She’s sweet one minute and then pretty much the devil the next. While many might say this is a younger child attention seeking thing, I’d say it’s partly right (said by another younger child) but also her way of standing up for herself when needed. She’s definitely not interested in cleaning up (drives me insane as she makes more of the mess) and she’s less dramatic than her sister…sometimes. She can also be the cuddliest and cutest kid, which just melts my heart.
As with most siblings, they both like to dob each other in every chance they get. Not that I pay any attention to the theatrics when this takes place. It’s hard playing the referee sometimes, especially when you have watched everything going down. I don’t play favourites…well I try not to anyway…but I get accused of it all the time by my big girl. Then they have moments of brilliance, where they play together like the best of friends. It’s awesome to watch…until it’s not, haha! Being a parent is so much fun, said no parent ever.
It will certainly be interesting to watch which direction their lives head in given their personalities now. I know there’s a few things they will grow out of, a lot more fighting and hair pulling still to come and likely moments where they will love each other and hate me more, so many fun times ahead. What I do know is I wouldn’t change anything for the world…not today anyway!
I’m so sorry I couldn’t help but laugh out loud whilst reading this.